Of all newly onboarded users from a 2-week time frame, an average of <9% of users opened the feature and clicked through the feature's onboarding screens.
After gathering more feedback, learnings reported that the vast majority of users had never shared or claimed any reservations.
Existing incentives were too vague.
The feature intended on incentivizing users through a “priority level” system—more reservations shared equals higher priority, equals early access to postings.
However, the current copy of “Reservation Priority Level: (Your level)” was unclear. Most users who did make it to the reservations hub were confused about what this box even meant and did not feel any urge to further explore the feature.
My goal was to give the Reservation Sharing feature clarity, increase ease of discovery, and bring delight to the experience.
My first step was to rethink the priority leveling system. After analyzing other examples of in-app leveling incentives, I settled on visualizing a new leveling system through a progress bar modal. I wanted the new design to clearly display to users how they could increase their priority level and consistently offer a clear visual of their earnings.
Iterating through the progress bar.
After an initial design, I worked with the co-founders to determine how the component could be more effective.
I also conducted an evaluation of the current flow and how the number of steps required to claim a reservation may have affected users’ attention spans and willingness to explore the feature. The new progress bar entry point and a redesign of CTA buttons on the main hub allowed for 2 extraneous clicks to be eliminated.

Rebranding feature onboarding
One of my broader goals during my summer internship was to start the groundwork for a design system that communicated a more compelling brand identity.
As such, I updated the feature onboarding flow with more captivating illustrations towards a more cohesive brand.

Gamifying the new entry points.
Tidying up the entire feature.

Landing/Map Navigation

Different navigation options allow the user to sift through different artifacts and see their relative space in the actual museum.

A pop up menu also accompanies each artifact page, allowing users to navigate freely during their reading experience.
Artifact Page

There's a lot of valuable information that employees and journalism fans alike can gain from the museum. When a NYTimes article introduced the opening of this museum in 2021, many subscribers were eager to see it open to the public, or at least have access to a virtual tour.
Learning to design for sustainable feature growth
How will we reframe metrics a month out from initial launch? How can we shift our priorities and allow this feature to help with different business opportunities?
We incentivized our users too well…