Christina Su
Christina Su
Christina Su
is a product designer and pixel architect. She’s passionate about visual craft, immersive technologies, and community-driven experiences.
is a product designer and pixel architect. She’s passionate about visual craft, immersive technologies, and community-driven experiences.
is a product designer and pixel architect. She’s passionate about visual craft, immersive technologies, and community-driven experiences.

Product Design Internship @ NYTGames
Product Design Internship @ NYTGames
Building subscriber-exclusive features for existing games to encourage player conversion.
Building subscriber-exclusive features for existing games to encourage player conversion.

Digitizing the New York Times Museum
Digitizing the New York Times Museum
A 0-1 web experience bringing visibility to the Times Museum, an underrated space curating valuable stories about independent journalism.
A 0-1 web experience bringing visibility to the Times Museum, an underrated space curating valuable stories about independent journalism.

Beli Reservation Sharing
Beli Reservation Sharing
Redesigning a feature to increase visibility and heighten delight through gamification.
Redesigning a feature to increase visibility and heighten delight through gamification.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon
Beli Playlists
Beli Playlists
Building a more dynamic and visual feature to share saved and visited restaurants.
Building a more dynamic and visual feature to share saved and visited restaurants.